Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The MSAD 6 Board of Directors’ Superintendent Search Committee would like your help in developing a profile for the next superintendent of schools.  They would like to gain input from all stakeholders (Board members, employees, students, parents, community residents, business owners, and municipal officers) to ensure that the next superintendent acts ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, stewardship of District resources, and all aspects of District leadership.

Please find a link to a survey that the Search Committee is in hopes you will take the time to complete.  If you are unable to access the survey electronically but you would still like to share information, there are several ways you can access the survey:

1.  Request a copy of the survey by calling our District Central Office at 207-929-2331.

2.  Visit your Town Municipal Offices.

3.  Visit your Town Library.

Recognizing that this is a busy and stressful time, we appreciate your taking a few minutes to give the Committee your input.  Surveys may be returned to: Superintendent Search Committee, MSAD 6, 94 Main Street, Buxton, ME  04093.  Any questions or comments about the survey should be directed to Board Chairperson Lester Harmon

Thank you.